General terms
Booking Conditions
Check in
be available from 16:00 hours on the day of arrival
Check out
will be before
11:00 hours on the day of departure
It is useful that we receive the flight details in order to be as much flexible as possible for your convenience, that means earlier check in or later check out, if there is possibility.
Modifications or cancellations
We are willing to help if a modification or cancellation needs to be done with a justifiable
reason. Next cancellation policy will be applied as a general norm:
Full refund of the payment if the cancellation is made 90 days in advance
75% refund of the payment if the cancellation is made 60 days in advance
50% refund of the payment if the cancellation is made 30 days in advance
40% refund of the payment if the cancellation is made 15 days in advance
0% refund of the payment if the cancellation is made 14 days or less in advance
We ask for a deposit upon arrival to cover possible damages
which is mandatory in order to check in.
The deposit should be paid by credit card upon arrival and it will be returned the same day of departure if
there are no incidents as both parts expect. Amount depends on the property and will be informed before
confirmation of the reservation.
The rental client will be responsible for any damages caused by the misbehaviour of all the occupants of the property.
Enjoy the holidays is the most important. If the client upon arrival or during the stay find any irregularity in the rented property thisshould
be communicated as soon as possible for us to be able to solve it.
Claims submitted after leaving the accommodation will be considered to improve but will not allow enough time to the owners to resolve the issue.
The pool and the garden will be maintained weekly.
Clients will be informed where to leave the garbage.
The properties are not suitable for events or parties.
We will appreciate if on the day ofdeparture, the property is left in the same condition as on arrival. It is
important to ensure that the kitchen, barbecue and all utensils are left completely clean and in good condition.
The villas have a common civil responsibility insurance, but it does not cover any loses or robberies.
Acceptance of conditions
This terms and conditions need to be accepted by the client to confirm the reservation.
We are happy to help so that you have the best holidays ever. Wish you all a pleasant stay in Ibiza.